
stalks models and raid Karl minibar in 12 fashion favorite hotels

There, the amount of fashion is not what you expect to meet Swim Club, but swim club is not a code normally drink Bloody Mary in a desert oasis Palm Springs chic while DJ residents interrupt your reading by the pool. The man behind the Ace Hotel is now even difficult to find anything more notoriously fickle do appeal to the fashion pack - a bland business hotel in Shoreditch, London. This is the new location for the fifth station Ace. It is set to open in September, so if you're in London Town for Fashion Week, you may want to consider booking a room now - ever tried to get a place in the Ace Palm sources within six months of Coachella before? And it is bordered by a Derelicte dead land, plus something called Gherkin Tower, the site invest more hipster cred. If you attend a holiday debauchery couture before, need below, we toured 12 other places where our favorite models, designers, editors and photographers stay while strolling through the different regions of the world.If it is colder than Swim Club is raiding the bar of the old Salon Coco Chanel.

