
struck up a conversation with bag

injuries and other disabilities don't discriminate against attractive people. Some of the people I know in chairs are Chanel bagtotally gorgeous! But honestly that's besides the point. If you're going to compliment someone, that is great! But leave the wheelchair out of it. ents from St. Joe’s here to bag the food items," said Mary Wheat, coordinator of the twice-weekly food pantry at South Congregational Church. Wheat was referring to members of the "St. Joe’s Ambassadors," a group of students at St. Joseph oliday music. The following band students competed in All Region on Friday, November 22:

Preeya Samudrala, Cindy Yu, Zachary Bricken, Emily Brustein, Chloe Pierce, Abirami Swaminath, Katie Daugherty, Trevor Fulton, Lucas Mseeh, Cade Owen, Kaku Asare, Thomas Padvorac, Elijah Feazell, Cody Owen, Sean Eckenrode, Zach DeKanter, Houston Hakala, and Avery Ohlemeier. McCullough Junior High School Mrs. Witt's language arts classes had a competition to support TheCentral High School dedicated to volunteerism throughout the city. Sophomore Chloe Boehn was amazed by Monday’s turnout. "I never realized this many people needed help," she said. "I’m glad 2. "I Had to Use a Wheelchair When I Broke My Leg, So I Know Exactly What You're Going Through."

 I can't tell you how many times I've struck up a conversation with a total stranger only to hear about that terrible month where their leg was in a cast. They had to use a wheelchair too and so they Chanel wallettotally get it. Spinal cord injuries involve a plethora of other issues that don't involve the actual paralysis. So I really hate to sound insensitive, but it gets kind of hard year after year to smile and listen to your short stint with a wheelchair while I'm on a nice outing with my husband. 3. "You're an Inspiration." There are times where this is OK, but there are also times where this just makes me really uncomfortable. I'll give you an example. One night I was out with my friends at a local club. I was dancing with my girls when a guy walked up and sai

