
global apparel, footwear, accessories and luxury goods retailer and Forecasts to 2016

  17th September 2012 - / PRNewswire / - Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research is research in its catalog:

Global Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists Market and Forecasts to 2016

Product synopsis

Can improve future forecasts and historic market data market and strategic planning-Understand what products to assess the winners and losers in the coming years, be the impact of the economic recession and the resumption of growth in the market

Introduction and Landscape

Why the written report?

"Global Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists and Market Forecasts to 2016" is based on a broad cross-country research program that brings together industry, research Canadean based modeling and analysis expertise in order to develop detailed data of the internal market. Detailed quantitative analysis of past and future trends, key areas of retail sales of products through the clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists.Data games for 2006 is scheduled for 2016, planned effective performance for 2011. All initial market size and analysis carried out in the local currency, to ensure that governments are the trends in the data before conversion into other currencies resist.

What are the key drivers of market development in recent years?

Consumers responded to the effects of the global recession, including the recovery period after their discretionary spending and retail were no exception. While the country by varying national markets, nowhere was investigated completely untouched.This report quantitatively the components of the market trends by studying growth trends, past and future, including how changes in consumer behavior have to retail for different categories of products on clothing, shoes, accessories and luxury goods specialists concerned.

What makes this report unique and important to read?

This report provides detailed data on the size and development of retail sales of individual product types through clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods specialists worldwide. It provides a detailed and comprehensive quantitative trends, the development of the market with historical data and forecasts.

Key Features and Benefits

Detailed category coverage is provided, which include 25 products in eight categories: goods clothing, accessories, bags and leather goods, books, newspapers and stationery, Electricals and Electronics, Food and coatings food, furniture and flooring, home and garden, software, music, video and culture, and sports and leisure equipment.

Forecasts allow marketers to understand the future market trends, winners and losers of the dynamic category, and as quickly and easily identify key areas in which they want to compete in the future.

The main issues of market


The top five EU countries: the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Germany and Italy accounted for more than half of European retailers through the channel in 2011. Its market share is expected to decline through 2016, and are taken over by Russia, which would be more than 17% of total regional sales agencies

Japan and China. Together account for about 75% of the entire Asia-Pacific retailers through the channel in 2011 It should be similar to 2016

? 1 Introduction1.1 What's in this report by 1.2 Definitions1.2.1 This report provides 2011 actual sales, while the forecast for 2012 - 20161.2.2 Definitions1.2.3 product and channel changes in the conditions in the country taxonomy1 used. 2.4 coverage1 Canadean. 3 Summary Methodology1.3.1 Overview1.3.2 The triangulated market size method1.3.3 industry studies in the creation of retail market regulation and standardized quality data1.3.4 processes2 global apparel, footwear, accessories and luxury goods - 0.1 Channel specialists Overview2 Dynamics2 global growth. 2 Global Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: sales Region2.3 global apparel, footwear, accessories and luxury goods specialists: Penetration Region2.4 global apparel, footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Sales by product group Category2.4.1 dynamics of growth of the Group of clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists2.5 development of sales by product group in Clothing, Shoes & Accessories Specialists2.5.1 and luxury goods sales growth by product category in the apparel, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists2.5.1 0.1 of clothing, accessories, Luggage and leather goods Categories2.5.1.2 On Electricals and Electronics categories2 .5.1.3 of foodstuffs and food Categories2.5.1.4 for home and garden products from Categories2.5.1.5 sports and leisure equipment categories2 0.6 global apparel, footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: sales Countries2.7 leading analysis of per capita spending in clothes, shoes, accessories and luxury goods Specialists2.7.1 Analysis2.7.2 Regional Product Group Analysis2.7.3 analysis2 individual product category. 7.3.1 Goods clothing, accessories, bags and leather goods Categories2.7.3.2 On Electricals and Electronics Categories2.7.3.3 of foods and food Categories2.7.3.4 For Home & Garden Products Categories2.7.3. Sports and Leisure by 5 .7.4 equipment2 Top 20 Fastest Countries2.8 chain Hotspots2.8.1 growing country in relation to the sale of clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists2.8.2 faster growth countries, by Per Capita Expenditure growth, apparel, footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists2. 8.3 Categories of the fastest growing products in apparel, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists3 Asia-Pacific Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists - Overview3.1 and Asia-Pacific growth Canal Dynamics3.2 Asia-Pacific Clothing, Footwear, Accessories luxury goods specialists: sales Country3.3 Asia-Pacific Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Penetration Country3.4 Asia-Pacific Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Shoes Group3.4.1 Net sales by product sales by product group in clothing, goods , Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists3.4.2 sales growth product category Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury For Specialists3.4.2.1 clothing, accessories, bags and leather goods Categories3.4.2.2 By Electricals and Electronics categories3. 4.2.3 Food and Food Categories3.4.2.4 For Home & Garden Products Categories3.4.2.5 By Categories3.5 sports and leisure facilities, the Asia-Pacific Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Sales of Prominent Country3.6 Asia Pacific Analysis per capita spending in clothes, shoes, accessories and luxury goods Specialists3.6.1 Analysis3.6.2 Regional Product Group Analysis3.6.3 Analysis3.6.3.1 individual product category and clothing accessories, bags and leather goods Categories3.6.3.2 for food Food Categories3.6.3.3 for home and garden products Categories3.6.3.4 of Sports TV Channel Equipment3.7 Hotspots3.7.1 fastest growing countries in the sale of clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists3.7.2 faster growth countries, the growth of per capita spending, clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists3.7.3 the top 5 categories produces faster growth apparel, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists4 Europe Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods - Europe Growth Specialists Overview4.1 channel Dynamics4.2 Europe Clothing, Shoes & Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: sales Country4.3 Europe Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists:. penetration Country4.4 Europe Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Sales by product Group4 4.1 Development of sales by product group in clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists4.4.2 sales growth by product category in the apparel, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists4.4.2.1 for apparel, accessories, luggage and leather goods Categories4 .4.2.2 For Electricals and electronics Categories4.4.2.3 of food and grocery products Categories4.4.2.4 in Home & Garden in Sports Equipment Categories4.4.2.5 Categories4.5 the Europe Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Sales prominent Country4.6 Europe Pro capita spending Analysis clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists4.6.1 Analysis4.6.2 Regional Product Group Analysis4. 6.3 Analysis4.6.3.1 individual product category in clothing, accessories, bags and leather goods Categories4.6.3.2 by the Food and grocery Categories4.6.3.3 for home and garden products for sports and Categories4.6.3.4 TV Channel Equipment4. 7 Hotspots4.7.1 fastest growing countries in the sale of clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Fastest Growing Specialists4.7.2 countries the growth in per-capita spending, clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury products Specialists4.7.3 Top 5 of the fastest growing Product Categories Apparel, shoes, accessories and luxury goods Specialists5 Latin America Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists - Overview5.1 Latin America Latin America growth channel Dynamics5.2 dress shoes, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Sales rose Country5.3 Latin America Clothing , Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Penetration of Latin America Country5.4 Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Net Business Development Group5.4.1 product sales by product groups in the clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists5.4.2 sales growth by product category in the clothing , footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists5.4.2. 1 For clothing, accessories, bags and leather goods Categories5.4.2.2 By Electricals and Electronics Categories5.4.2.3 by food and food products in Home Categories5.4.2.4 Categories5.4.2.5 For sports and leisure equipment categories5. 5 Latin America Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Sales Country5.6 major Latin American per capita expenditure analysis in clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists5.6.1 Analysis5.6.2 Regional Product Group analysis5. 6.3 individual product group analysis5 faster .6.3.1. Goods clothing, accessories, bags and leather goods Categories5.6.3.2 Categories5.6.3.3 for meals and food for home and garden products Categories5.6.3.4 Sports and Recreation of Equipment5 7 Canal Hotspots5.7.1 growing countries in the sale of clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists5.7.2 faster growth countries, with growth in per capita spending, clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists5.7.3 Top 5 fastest growing categories produced clothing , footwear, accessories and luxury Specialists6 Middle East and Africa, clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods - Middle East specialists Overview6.1 and channel growth Dynamics6.2 Africa, Middle East & Africa Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Sales rose to countries6 0.3 Middle East & Africa Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Country6.4 penetration of the Middle East and African Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists: Sales rose by product development Group6.4.1 Sales by products in apparel, footwear , Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists6.4.2 sales growth by product category in the apparel, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists6.4.2.1 for clothing, accessories, bags and leather goods Categories6.4.2.2 On Electricals and Electronics in Categories6.4.2 0.3 Feed and food Categories6.4.2.4 For Home & Garden Products Categories6.4.2.5 By Categories6.5 sports and leisure facilities Middle East and Africa Clothing, Footwear, Accessories and Luxury Specialists: Sales prominent Country6. 6 Middle East and Africa Analysis of per capita spending in clothes, shoes, accessories and luxury goods Specialists6.6.1 Analysis6.6.2 Regional Product Group Analysis6.6.3 Analysis6.6.3.1 individual product category of clothing, accessories, bags and leather goods Categories6. 3.6 0.2 In food and food Categories6.6.3.3 Specialists6.7.2 for home and garden products Categories6.6.3.4 of Sports TV Channel Equipment6.7 Hotspots6.7.1 fastest growing countries in the sale of clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods fastest growing countries, the growth of per capita spending, clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists6.7.3 Top 5 categories produced fastest growing apparel, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists7 North American Clothing, Footwear, Accessories & Luxury Goods Specialists - North America channel Overview7.1 growth in North America Dynamics7.2 Clothing, Footwear, Accessories and Luxury Goods Specialists: Sales in North America Country7.3 clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods specialists and penetration of North America Country7.4 clothing, shoes, accessories Luxury goods: Sales Specialists Group7.4.1 Product Development Sales by products in clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists7.4.2 sales growth by product category in the apparel, footwear, accessories and luxury goods Specialists7.4.2.1 for clothing, accessories products, bags and leather goods Categories7.4.2.2 By Electricals and Electronics Categories7.4.2.3 by food and food products in Home Categories7.4.2.4 Categories7.4.2.5 By Categories7.5 sports and leisure facilities North America Clothing, Footwear, Accessories and Luxury Goods Specialists: sales Country7 .6 leading North American analysis of per capita spending in clothes, shoes, accessories and luxury goods Specialists7.6.1 Analysis7.6.2 Regional Product Group Analysis7.6.3 Analysis7.6.3 each product category. 1 For clothing, accessories, bags and leather goods Categories7.6.3.2 By Electricals and Electronics Categories7.6.3.3 of foods and food Categories7.6.3.4 For Home & Garden Products in Sports and Leisure Categories7.6.3.5 Canal Equipment7.7 Hotspots8 Appendix8.1 Canadean8.2 About Legal

