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Yet, if the reader feel like a funeral, the more painful nature or even serious, it's wrong.There is nothing more beautiful than when it looks like a designer had fun creating a collection, and this season seems to be Karl Lagerfeld a ball (or maybe a tire, but we talked about yesterday). Firstly, Fendi, Lagerfeld sent an outpouring prospective comprehensive collection of technical prowess and great ideas corner, and then yesterday at Chanel, he delivered a series of priority Chanel staples - necklaces and bracelets in dense clusters enormous pearls, the traditional big brand jackets and cut edges, the tire mounted above Chanel classic Flap Bag. Do not get me wrong, Chanel will always say:  on it. But there were some notable modern collection as well. Cut black hats feature large clear plastic edges, clutches, are made as candy colored discount chanel pursesLegos, were not buckled clothes rack with mesh inserts, which had an almost industrial. The colors were bright and bold combination of a large part of the show, when, from the brand best known for the black and ivory expect, and this is reflected in their pockets too. Discover the complete collection after the jump

