
fake Louis Vuitton is on the market

Global luxury brand Louis Vuitton recently hit select stores in the province of Jiangsu with lawsuits demanding 500,000 yuan ($ 78,500) in compensation for each following a series of raids against counterfeiting. The first hearing of a case against a store in Nanjing Lady Fashion Shopping Plaza was the fourth in Nanjing Intermediate People's Court July. The case is still pending. Louis Vuitton said he recently discovered counterfeit goods in the store, which is in the business and commercial center Xinjiekou sold. The company has a law firm based in Beijing, to be entitled to send a warning to the mall, forcing it to stop sales to within seven working days. However, the later products on the shelves a month, leaving the store and the mall, to the finger at each other. The business of the shopping center had believed the joint responsibility because it did not slow sales. But the mall has stressed his innocence, as he blocked an agreement with the tenants signed fake goods. "We forbid the illegal trade and counterfeiting, and all transactions have to meet their obligations by signing the Convention. So, the business should bear the responsibility alone," said a man in the executive branch of the mall, who declined to give his name. Whether the mall responsibility may depend on whether he knows to be illegal copies sold, according to some experts. "A company needs the administrative center, the business sold counterfeit goods to be notified, as is sometimes difficult for managers to consider all business," Wang Qian, a professor said at the School of Intellectual Property at the University of East-China policy and jurisprudence. Huanbei Taotaoxiang market and two other shopping centers in Nanjing, where Louis Vuitton reported the sale of counterfeit products, were also prosecuted, but the court has not yet begun to hear the case. Counterfeit Louis Vuitton handbags and purses had disappeared from the shops in the center on Tuesday. "We do not sell fake products," said a trader who is in her 40s. No fake luxury brands have been seen in his shop is the first on the floor of the shopping center. However, fake luxury watches and cosmetics such as Chanel and Armani, still seen in many shops. "We used to see a large number of counterfeit luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Prada, in the malls that sell bags," said a girl named Wang, a sophomore from the Communication University of China. "Many of my friends prefer counterfeit luxury goods, because the prices are attractive," said Wang. Ye Boping, a judge of the Court of intellectual property by the court in Nanjing, said the Louis Vuitton event can trigger a resurgence of the luxury business suits against sellers of counterfeit goods. In May 2010, Louis Vuitton is fake products with a value of 3 million yuan in a raid of several business parks in Nanjing. The company claimed compensation in the amount of 11 million yuan, sending 17 branches in the yard in Dalian, Liaoning Province, in August 2011. But some experts say that luxury actions have failed to solve the problem. "Produced a substantial number of internal fraud by employees and company, which is known in the industry generally sold," said Zhou Ting, director of the Institute of Fortune character, studied the luxury goods. Zhou denounced as an irresponsible practice of consumers. "The crackdown will not benefit their customers, such as the compensation flowed into the internal circulation of the company, looking after some of the profits with the company in order for counterfeiting." Louis Vuitton says it has a department to fight against counterfeit products, and repressive measures are coordinated with state agencies. Contact the authors at zhouwenting@chinadaily.com.cn and cangwei@chinadaily.com.cn Nanjing Li Zhuoxuan contributed to this story.

